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Interior Design in Europe: Influences and Characteristics

Want to know what differentiates British interior design from French, German or Italian design? What are the key characteristics of these different European approaches? I’ve been working with designer furniture brand, Arlo & Jacob, to bring you this handy infographic which explains the different styles and influences of interior design in four key European cities: London; Paris; Berlin, and Rome:


Interior Design Infographic


As my background is in the history of art and design, I’m always keen to know what  or who influences particular designers, and I like when these influences are acknowledged. Arlo & Jacob draw on a number of design influences shown above, and many more – I am totally hooked on what they show on their Design Inspiration page, which includes the work of other designers, and painters, to even novelists and cakemakers!

I particularly like too that they show how their furniture can be paired with other items that complete the look of a specific design influence, such as this 1960s-inspired look:


Our new cocktail chair Emilia takes center stage in this weeks Get The look inspired by this years designjunction exhibitions.

Design Tip: Pastels and quirky design was a running theme at designjuction this year

I know I have a little bit of a sofa obsession at the moment, and being introduced to Arlo & Jacob has only made it much much worse! The brand has recently only recently launched the UK market, but I think they will be a huge hit with their range of designer sofas, armchairs and accessories. The quality looks fantastic, as well as being affordable, and they also offer a lifetime guarantee, and these factors along with their attention to detail and immersion in the world of interior design influences, both past and present, make them a brand I am more than happy to shout about.

Do have a look at a look at the products on their website, Arlo & Jacob, as well as their Design Inspiration pages (both linked to above) and let me know what you think. Do you like to know what influences designers too?


All images by Arlo & Jacob; all words are my own and honest.

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