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This Sunday was the occasion of the 5th Rington’s Velo Vintage cycle ride, where hundreds of cycling and vintage enthusiasts come together to:

“Cycle, take tea, converse, and dress with style”


As of Saturday, the ‘dress with style’ element was eluding me, having parted company with most of my vintage clothes when I moved to Topsham Towers. Luckily, a trip to the charity shop came up trumps and I got completely kitted out for the sum total of £12.50.

For this, I bought a pair of white skin gloves, soft as butter, and never been worn:


skin gloves magpie monday molly and the princess


The gloves cost £6, and for £6.50 I bought a dress in a pink and grey pattern by Lazarus of London (great name!). Pale pink is not exactly my colour of choice, but together with the gloves, a sting of pearls and a slick of red lipstick, I felt ladylike enough for the occasion. In the same charity shop my bf picked up a rather snazzy paisley shirt, so all in all a successful last minute charity shop outing before the big event:


molly and the princess at 5th velo vintage devon


I’m afraid I did not do very well at being a lady, and my gloves did not stay pristine for long – I was suffering badly with hayfever, and didn’t quite manage the etiquette of removing ones gloves and dabbing daintily with a handkerchief! But we had a lovely day, with great weather and fabulous company. Have a look at this footage by BBC Spotlight:



Linking up with Me and My Shadow’s Magpie Monday: